My latest interest in the Parks On The Air program gave me enough reason to buy a nice little kit: the QCX mini from QRP-labs. After watching a great deal of POTA-video’s on YouTube, I decided to get a portable, CW-only rig. I didn’t mind if it is a single band version. QRP-labs After some…
Category: Home brew
MRF300AN RF Mosfet
Bumped on an interesting article the other day: a cheap power amplifier with two MRF300AN LDmosfets from NXP. The MRF300 produces about 300 watts @ 50V and operates broadband from 1.8 – 250 MHz. Razvan M0HZH created a little power amplifier with two of these mosfets which put out around 600 watt with 4.5 watt…
A Stylish Low Part Count Non-Contact Thermometer — Hackaday
A non-contact thermometer is a pretty common tool these days, and one that most of us probably have kicking around the lab. You can grab them online for as little as $10 USD, and while they’re nowhere near as capable as a thermal camera, they certainly have their uses. But even with their increased availability,… via…