My latest interest in the Parks On The Air program gave me enough reason to buy a nice little kit: the QCX mini from QRP-labs. After watching a great deal of POTA-video’s on YouTube, I decided to get a portable, CW-only rig. I didn’t mind if it is a single band version. QRP-labs After some…
POTA – Parks On The Air
POTA appears to be one of the last variants in the On The Air series. What started with Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) became Summits On The Air (SOTA), Youngsters/Youth On The Air (YOTA), Bunkers On The Air (BOTA), etc. I always liked the idea of going outside with a little portable QRP HF-radio, put…
Back on the air! PZ5JT Royal Netherlands Army Signal Regiment on jungle training in Suriname. From October until November, find them and work them!