My Elecraft K1 is a need little rig. One thing I think it missed was a zero beat indicator. K6XX designed just that. Christmas holiday is the perfect period for a little home brewing, so I warmed up the solder iron.
After a hour or so the kit was finished. My first attempt with SMD’s. I’m not disappointed with the result. The test drive isn’t successful yet. All though I’ve seen the led blinking, I can’t get it to work. The SMD variable resistor feels weird (no resistance when adjusting) so I think maybe I damaged it. In the manual there is a piece with voltage points. I hope I can find some time to check all points and figure out what is going wrong.
SMD soldeer je het makkelijkst door gebruik te maken van een klein beetje soldeer flux. Wel na afloop de flux resten verwijderen van de print met geschikte reiniger.
Ik ben momenteel in afwachting van de bezorging van een Z10000B buffertrapje dat ik ook in elkaar moet zetten met SMD componenten.
Misschien heb je die resistor wat te heet gestookt.