PA8E After eight years I applied for a new call: PA8E. For some time I was in doubt about my old call. PA1JIM doesn’t key well in CW. It’s too long and I didn’t like the combination 1-J. A few weeks ago one of my HAM-buddies, Gerald PA9G changed his call from PE1PQW to PA9G….
Attending PACC 2017
The Dutch PACC contest is of course a bit special for us Dutch hams. PACC 2017 is no exception. In the PACC contest for once in a contest season it’s all about the Dutch hams. This one contest we can run CQ and actually get pile-ups instead of search & pounce for whole contests. For…
Standby problems with the TM-D710
This morning it occurred to me my car almost didn’t start. The battery seemed almost dead. It couldn’t be the battery itself since it is about a year old. When I was thinking about it, I did noticed a low voltage in my battery before. It had to be standby problems with some device in…