Training morse code groupcode lettersSlowly the Morse code practice begins to bear fruit. I picked up where I left of in August of 2015 and changed my training speed at from 15 wpm with effective speed of 10 wpm to a speed of 13 wpm with a effective speed of 13 wpm. I did reach a level where I was able to copy most of the characters at 15 wpm but I could not follow a QSO because I lost track after about 3 characters. I decided I need to get up the effective speed which I did in December 2015.

So far I only practiced copying Morse code. I really did not do much about sending it. I do hear people say sending Morse code is easy. I did try it sometime on the bands but find it pretty tricky. Especially the pinching technique you can use with a paddle. In my other project (Arduino keyer) I will create a good training device. Hopefully this combination will be sufficient to pass my Morse code exam on the 18th of June!
I received confirmation from Lode ON6KL for my participation at the Morse code exam. So it is official now.
I noticed the learning curve of learning Morse code is jerky. One day I really add some new high’s and the next day can be so horrible I think I will never make it. Of course there is time enough so everything will be fine, but especially on those ‘down’ days it is really hard to find the motivation to stay practicing for an hour. I realized it has something to do with concentration. My mind let’s true other thoughts and then I lose track of the sounds. I can pick out three or four letters at the time and then they all sound the same and irritate my ears.
Luckily I know from earlier attempts it is getting better over time. The problem now is I am a little impatient and want results quicker 😉

Radio WeekendA few weeks ago Karel, PE2KDK send an e-mail to a few friends with the idea to spend a weekend in a rental house somewhere remote in the woods. All these guys are HAM’s so you can imagine this will be a full blown Radio Weekend! Attending: Karel PE2KDK, Marco PH4M, Henk PE1PEX and me, Jim PA1JIM.
Meanwhile Karel has booked the house for the weekend of 2nd and 3th of April. I immediately checked the contest-calendar to see if there are any contest that weekend but there are not. Rumor is that Henk has a backorder on one of the first Icom IC-7300’s that will come out in The Netherlands. 2016 for me is all about the new Icom IC-7300, so I am looking forward a little extra for this weekend! Maybe I can play with the new rig then for the first time. If the rumor is true and Henk will take the new rig to this weekend, maybe we have to make a schedule when we are allowed to operate it 😉

Can you imagine, a whole weekend just about radio’s, a very low noise level and almost unlimited possibilities to build antenna’s?

The next thing to do is to figure out what kind of antenna’s we want to build that weekend. I do have some green glass-fiber sticks which can be used to build little antenna masts. Each piece is 1,2 meters (almost 4 feet) and you can put them together very easily. Maybe I will take a ZS6BKW with me to cover all 80 to 10 meter bands. I don’t know yet how much space we can use for antenna setup but if it is enough, we could build a beverage receiving antenna for 160 meters. And of course the 40-meter-PA3FYM-antenna (details follow) should be there all weekend!

A radio weekend full of coax cables, antenna’s, rigs and weak radio signals, I am looking forward to it!