Just tonight I’m checking my first DXCC application at lotw.arrl.org. It says: “Account problem, please QRX” (see picture below). I guess there was a problem with my LoTW-account. But looking at the message a few minutes later it seemed solved? I’m not sure if everything is fine now and my first DXCC is on his…
Antenna changes needed
Last contest it became clear I need just another change on the antenna part of my setup. Since last year my neighbor has completely revamped his attic and situated his study room there. That is bad news for me because now he’s only 2 meters underneath my antenna wire. His PC monitor really dislike HF…
ARRL Roundup RTTY 2014
Had a great time participating the ARRL Roundup RTTY 2014! Began with a good start, quit a few runs on 40m. Then switching to 80m, the ZS6BKW works excellent! With 261 Q’s in the log I went for bed around 0:00 local time. Again in the shack this morning around 6:30 am. I was doing…