This weekend I entered the Bartg RTTY Sprint contest. I’m not really a RTTY man, but I like this mode when doing a contest. As every time I join a contest, I had to figure out N1MM all over again. I don’t use it enough. But in the end it was ok just in time for the contest and everything worked like a charm.
I didn’t do the whole 24 hours, just a few hours on Saturday afternoon and a few hours on Sunday morning. Didn’t run one CQ at all, just S&P on 40, 20, 15 and 10. If I may say so: a decent score.

20th of December 2012 I ordered a Baofeng UV-B6 from About three weeks later (15th January) it arrived at the PA1JIM-headquarters. It turns out to be a UV-B5 instead of a UV-B6. The only difference is the UV-B5 has a rotary dail on top and the UV-B6 has a flashlight instead. That Continue reading

wsprWeak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR, pronounced:” whisper”) is a protocol developed by John Taylor, K1JT in 2008. It’s one of the many protocols used by radio amateurs but WSPR is a special one. The “Weak Signal”-part refers to signals being transmitted with a maximum power of 5 Watt (37 dBm), what still is regarded as QRP. But you can use much less then 5 Watt. Use more power is pointless, because it removes the accuracy of the “Propagation Continue reading