buddipoleThis weekend another package arrived in the PA1JIM-shack! It’s from Wimo and contains a Buddipole mast of 240 cm (only 66 cm folded) and a tri-pot. So now I’m able to actually set-up the Buddipole in the field.

Still need to align the Elecraft K1 for proper functioning and complete the last 6 CW-lessons. Then I should be able to go out and log some QSO’s with my wonderful portable kit.

I read K5ND, Jim’s blog for a while now. Jim (K5ND, not me) is an excellent writer and knows how to give Ham radio good PR! Sometimes I comment on his posts and he always replies very friendly. So funny to watch Jim in a video report of Hamvention in Dayton together with N9JA, Ray from Icom. Suddenly you see and hear a voice (I’ve listened to Jim’s podcasts), a face (pictures on his blog) and facial expression come together into one person.

Please watch the video interview (from 17:01 Jim is on) for a view minutes and hear what great things Boy Scouts of America and Icom are doing for Ham radio!

PACCCallsign: PA1JIM


Band     Qso    Cancelled  Dup  Point  Penalty  Mult        Score
160M       0            0         0      0        0          0
80M      44             0         0     44       0          12
40M      39             3         0     36       3          15
20M      43             1         0     42       1          19
15M      13             0         0     13       0          6
10M       2              0         0     2         0          1
141           4         0    137      4          53         7049