buddipoleA great birthday present this year: a BuddiPole! Always wanted a simple but flexible portable antenna for the outdoor activities. Until now I used a glass fiber fishing rod with 2 pieces of wire so I could work on 20m. But that is not a small package which you can drop in your rucksack easily.

The BuddiPole is a cool piece of hardware which you can build almost anything you (portable antenna-wise) would want. It’s usable for 40 to 2m. It’s possible to build a much smaller vertical BuddiStick with the components of a BuddiPole. An ideal solution for apartments or hotel stays where it almost impossible to setup a big (even portable) antenna.

On little side note: when you’re in the ordering process, consider what kind of base you going to add. You can choose the tripod or (in the BuddiStick-modus) the table clamb. Because when you don’t order a base(like I did) you have nothing to put the dipole on.

Now I really need to fix my Yaesu FT-817 so I can test my portable setup on a quiet place somewhere out there.

PA1JIMLast weekend another edition of the Dutch PACC contest was active on the bands. Every year it is an exciting time around the second weekend of february. This year for me it extra exciting because as new contestmanager of clubstation PI4RCG. A few months ago I had the idea to build a simple multi-multi-station at our NERA club facility. Just 5 seats with a few wire antenna’s. It turn out to be much more work then I aspected. Continue reading

This weekend I participated in the RTTY sprint contest of the British Amateur Radio Teledata Group (BARTG). As a first timer I had to learn quickly about the integration of N1MM logger and MMTTY. When the contest started I discovered there are no default macro’s in MMTTY. So I had to write time along making QSO’s. It wasn’t the best preparation I ever did 😉

The TS-590S did a great job at this contest! Sometimes I heard the blowers hit in to cool down a bit, but overall I didn’t notice anything weird during the contest. Filtering is great, also with RTTY! Results? 208 Q’s and a claimed score of 56.106 points. Not bad for a RTTY rookie!