After two of the longest weeks of my radio-life the new Kenwood finally arrived! Let the unpacking begin… First impression: great radio! It is very much noticeable it is a complete new design. Receiving part is absolutely much much better then my good old TS-850. Because I’m living in a village (little city actually) there…
Kenwood TS-590S update
Latest news on the ordered Kenwood TS-590S: it will arrive next week! Ohw mama! 🙂 I traded in my TS-850S and got a good deal from the Kenwood dealer. Already completely rebuild the shack. The 590 has 2 antenna connections I’m able to connect both my Cobwebb for 10, 12, 15, 17 and 20 meter…
Ham Radio Deluxe update
According to the Ham Radio Deluxe website there is a new version of Ham Radio Deluxe 5: 2777. Release notes say: After a lot of hard work with incredible support from Terry G4POP and Chuck K7PT this beta is now available. Logbook * Country file upgraded with support for Unique Calls * ALE window now…