Two weeks ago I switched on the transceiver on saturday and listen around on the bands. I couldn’t believe my ears! There where incredible conditions. 40, 20 15 and 10 where completely open! It wasn’t hard to hear there was a big contest going on. I wasn’t into the contesting lately so I had to…
Back in town
Hi all! We’re back in town from two weeks of holiday! It was very nice. We did a lot of hiking, site seeing, enjoying meals etc. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to set up my portable radio kit in Italy at all. The chalets where so tight packet together, it was impossible to throw a wire…
Still one week of work and then I’m two weeks off on holiday. The first week I’ll be in northern Italy (JN46NA) in a small village Porlezza near the lake of Lugano as I/PA1JIM/P (26th September – 3th October) and the next week I’ll be at JN24XM (Hautes Alpes, France) as F/PA1JIM/P. I’ve read in…