A few weeks ago when I was visiting France (JN24XM) the conditions where very poor. The only excitement was a few sporadic e’s on 10m. Last night I was sitting around in the shack. Conditions where pretty good all day. But later that evening they were really picking up. Without much trouble I’ve worked 2…
Shortage in Yaesu FT-817
It is a very sad sad day. My first rig, a Yeasu FT-817, is broken. The other day I wanted to turn it on, but it was dead. Shaking the rig gave me all weird noises, so I opened it. Seems that there was an exploded elco in it. All kind of lose smd pieces…
First 10 meter contact!
This week I visiting my parents in Hautes Alpes, France (JN24XM) again. Last sunday evening we arrived and the next morning I did check the wire antenna’s on the roof. They were all broken due to heavy snow slidings. After fixing the open dipole for 20 and the long wire for the other bands on…