I was looking for a new radio for a while. For 2m and 70cm I used my good old Yeasu FT-817. Actually my first radio. A perfect radio for mobile and backpack use, but not for the QTH. For in the shack I wanted something a little bigger, multiband capabilities and the most important: more…
This afternoon I’ve had a very short QSO with Ken, W3JK. I immediately noticed that Ken produces a beautiful sound on the bands. At his QRZ.com page I found a link to his own website. When you take a look over there, you understand why his sound jumps out. By the way, not only the…
Skywire loop antenna
Some time ago I was reading about an full wave loop antenna. I was interested in this antenna right away. Since the preparation for the full radio exam I was told that full size antenna’s always outperform half wave or quarter wave antenna’s. The only problem is the space you need to make such an…