At my current QTH at 44.5362N, 5.9366E, JN24XM (Les Hautes Alpes, France) where I’ll stay the next week, I did want to experiment with a multiband open dipole. Therefore I assembled a lot of electric wire and some wood at home. The only thing I had to do over here was roll it out and…
New club housing
I’m a member of the national radio club Veron. Every region in the Netherlands has its own department which are coordinated centrally from Veron Headquarters. Based on your address you’re member of that region (I guess this is the way it works in every country). Because I’m living in Hilversum I’m member of Veron department…
WSPR part 3
After being stuck a few days ago with the self compiled I was searching the web today to find a breakthrough. I could hit myself for the head when I did see a link to one of my favorite blogs: VK2TPM where I found out that WSJT is just a package in Debian 🙁…