Sometime ago I reported about a cool building project of the Team Thunderbox, some guys from England. I’ve noticed the link is dead right now. But no worries! Arend, PA2AWU did read that article on my blog and send me a message. He wanted to build this cubicle quad for 40m himself and so he…
WSPR part 2
Not yet where I want to be, but did some work to get things working. I’ve installed the Gnome desktop on my Debian Etch linux server so I can compile WSPR for linux. First I had to struggle with all kinds of packages and then I had to check out an svn for the source…
Digital Power & SWR meter
Since I am a relative new amateur, I don’t yet own many devices where I can do measuring with. Of course I have a multimeter and some old analog CB swr meter. But I like to have a better equiped shack. When I take a look in the online shops or at the flea-markets, I’m…