I read more and more lately about WSPR. For instance, this morning I did see this article from VK2PTM. I getting more curious what this WSPR is and how it’s working. And you radio amateurs out there know what we guys and gals do about curiosity…. we will disappear into our Research & Development department…
No sunspots!
The Sun is now in the quietest phase of its 11-year activity cycle, the solar minimum – in fact, it has been unusually quiet this year – with over 200 days so far with no observed sunspots. The solar wind has also dropped to its lowest levels in 50 years. Scientists are unsure of the…
Earlier on I wrote about logging software. I still use MacLoggerDX from Dog Park software. It’s a fine program and all my logs up to now have been made with MacLoggerDX. However, I don’t like logging in a local application. For a couple of reasons: – local logging makes the logbook unavailable from another location;…