The Kenwood TM-742E A while back I bought a second hand radio: the Kenwood TM-742E. A great radio with 2m, 70cm and 23cm module! The man who sold it is a heavy smoker, so I had to clean the rig intensively. But after doing a good job the radio is like brand new. No scratch…
Tag: Antenna’s
This weekend I entered the CQ WPX RTTY contest with target to improve my personal total QSO-record in a contest. I think the current personal record stems from a PACC-contest a few years ago and was around 450 Q’s. There was only one catch: in this same weekend the PACC-contest is organized. PACC-contest is a…
Last 24 hours I let WSPR running on 20 meters with my new FD3-antenna. It seems I hear the whole world including west Canada, Venezuela and Australia. More important: some of these stations hear me too! So I’m very happy with the results until now. Made some cw-QSO’s last night which also went fine.