Last 24 hours I let WSPR running on 20 meters with my new FD3-antenna. It seems I hear the whole world including west Canada, Venezuela and Australia. More important: some of these stations hear me too! So I’m very happy with the results until now. Made some cw-QSO’s last night which also went fine.
Tag: Antenna’s
Fritzel FD3
For a while now I used a 56 meter (184 foot) long horizontal loop, hung up in our back yard. It kind of works for 160, 80 and 40 meter. On higher bands it did not work well. Actually I could not get out of Europe on it.Therefor I hung up a Fritzel FD4 a…
Mini field day and IARU-contest
A while ago Mark, PA4M and I planned a ‘field day’ of our own. Last Sunday would be the day if the rain wasn’t too strong. We picked a spot near the Gooimeer in the center of the Netherlands. We were in the middle of some farmers land. Mark did bring his homebuilt end fed…