Last Saturday I entered the Melee Tara RTTY contest. I woke up early at 5:30 AM and eat breakfast in the shack. I did want to make a flying start and score some early Q’s.
But unfortunately I did not prepare so N1MM was in CW modus since the last contest.

I didn’t get FSK operational for at least half a hour when finally found the option: [Enable both Hardware & Software PTT]. That did the trick. Full throttle at 40m, but there were only about 4 stations to work…. Well, let’s call CQ then. Also no luck. After 1,5 hour I had 6 Q’s in the log. OK, Tara RTTY isn’t a CQ World Wide of course. I have to remember that. Propagation was just fine and I hopped from 40 to 20 to 15 and even made 5 Q’s on 10 meters. But at the end of the afternoon, when I wanted to get back to 40 meter, I got a phone call of one of my neighbors. He complained about “stripes” on his TFT-monitor and wanted to know if it was my “hobby” causing this interference. I went over to his place and put some ferrite clamps around the cables. Unfortunately his TFT is just a few meters away from my FD-3 wire. So no matter what I did (turning the output power low, click on 12 ferrite clamps etc) the stripes are there to stay.
Since he had a deadline to work to I decided to wait that evening until he quits his computer work. But when he did quit around 9:30 PM, 40 meter was almost empty again. So no decent score. Anyway, had fun working in RTTY again!