PACCWhow, PACC 2010 was a awesome experience! 12:00 UTC I went off for as much as qso’s as possible in 24 hours at the club. My strategy was to work the high bands early and slowly go down towards 80 and 160. I went into the night with 233 qso’s and stuck on 80 meters. Then the really hard time was there. Along the night I only made 50 qso’s on 80 and 160 meter.
It was a pretty cool experience to witness the 20 meter band opening up in the morning. First I could work all Dutch stations and a half hour later I worked the whole world again.

The HF beam (10, 15 and 20) was working great. Only on 15 I had a little feedback when I pointed it towards east. The 80m and 40m open dipole wires also worked great! I’m convinced that we have to have more mono band dipoles with bandfilters, so we will be able to work contests with more people with the club call.

Score for this PACC: 435 qso’s, 50.025 claimed points.
Very exciting about my first pileup, my first pileup hijack, first 24 hour nonstop contest and so on. I think I’m officially Rookie off 😉