Latest situation of the WSPR-RX A while ago I did build my first 30m WSPR-RX to participate in the WSPR-challenge. I must admit it is very addictive! It did not took long before I was building my second WSPR-RX. This time a little bigger since the first one was too much miniature. Also I wanted…
Tag: horizontal loop
Antenna changes needed
Last contest it became clear I need just another change on the antenna part of my setup. Since last year my neighbor has completely revamped his attic and situated his study room there. That is bad news for me because now he’s only 2 meters underneath my antenna wire. His PC monitor really dislike HF…
WSPR on 80m
Last night I leave WSPR on for the whole night to see what happen. According to propagation rules, the best opportunities on 80m should be around the greyline. In the evening that means in western Europe I should get signals out of the east and in the morning I should get signals out of the…