After reading about WSPR 2.0 getting out, it did grab my attention. I still like the whole WSPR idea so I looked around in the shack to give it a try. The idea was to set-up my blown-final FT-817 and connect it to my Antron 99 vertical for 10m. It wouldn’t be possible to tx…
Tag: Propagation
Two weeks ago I switched on the transceiver on saturday and listen around on the bands. I couldn’t believe my ears! There where incredible conditions. 40, 20 15 and 10 where completely open! It wasn’t hard to hear there was a big contest going on. I wasn’t into the contesting lately so I had to…
Great conditions!
A few weeks ago when I was visiting France (JN24XM) the conditions where very poor. The only excitement was a few sporadic e’s on 10m. Last night I was sitting around in the shack. Conditions where pretty good all day. But later that evening they were really picking up. Without much trouble I’ve worked 2…