PACCWell, that was a very nice contest! I went from Schalkwijk (see previous post) to our new clubbuilding the NERA-building. There were a few club members so I joined them. Later on that evening I went home to pick up my own rig. The evening went by and I made a few (35) contacts. About 1:30 am I went home for some sleep. This morning I continued about 9:00 am. When the clock hit 13:00 hours I had made 60 QSO’s. I know I know, it’s nothing compaired to the big guns. But I don’t care. It was a very nice experience, it was my first PACC. I have many ideas how to do the contest next year.

For starter I want to have some kind of voice sampler (external) between my microfoon and my rig so I can record samples and play them by just pressing a button (cq contest cq contest). Because it wasn’t very nice to have to repeat it a few hundred times. That’s why I stopped CQ-ing after a while.

Anyone good tips for such a device?