Latest news on the ordered Kenwood TS-590S: it will arrive next week! Ohw mama! 🙂 I traded in my TS-850S and got a good deal from the Kenwood dealer. Already completely rebuild the shack. The 590 has 2 antenna connections I’m able to connect both my Cobwebb for 10, 12, 15, 17 and 20 meter…
Category: Rigs
All posts that are about rigs, radio’s and Handy Talkies.
Kenwood TS-590S dreams
Lately I get more and more interested in the new Kenwood TS-590S. When I read it’s brochure and manual, when I look at the clips of first runs on air I get the impression this must be my new transceiver! Last friday I decided I have to consolidate the shack and sell most of it…
CQ WW SSB 2010
Last weekend I participated in the CQ WW SSB 2010 contest at our clubstation. First timer for a 48 hour contest. While preparing I decided not to work the full 48 hours. Earlier this year I participated in the PACC-contest for 24 hours and I found that exhausting enough. So I did want to start…