I follow the news about Icom’s new rig: the IC-7300 closely. Actually I’m more a Kenwood lover but there is something with the IC-7300 that I love. It’s predecessor (IC-7200) also is a interesting radio, especially for portable use (holidays etc.). My friend PH4M bought an IC-7200 a few years ago and loves it. I…
More Morse code practice
Hope you all had a very pleasant Christmas! Just before the holiday started I’ve made up my mind: I’ll attend for the Morse code exam in Belgium on 28th of June 2016! After reading the announcement on HamNieuws (Dutch) I was convinced this is the right motivator to finally get my code up to speed….
WSF-47000 Rain bucket and humidity/temperature sensor
The weather station here at PA1JIM is running for a few months now and I’m perfectly happy with it. Only thing missing is a rain gauge and a humidity sensor. I didn’t want to have a separate rain gauge and a humidity/temperature sensor installed in two places. When I looked at the Peet Bros website…