After reading this post I couldn’t resist any longer. Yesterday I ordered the new toy, a Baofeng UV-B6 Chinese HT. Incredible price: 43 dollar! It can take up to 60 days before delivering so it will be no typical Christmas present. I like to use the HT to connect to my Kenwood TM-D710 en simplex…
On air this weekend with PSK-31
After some juggling around with Ham Radio Deluxe and the last weeks, this weekend I let Digital Master 780 (as part of Ham Radio Deluxe) running in the background doing PSK-31 when I was studying. Every now and then I’ve made a QSO. I must say, it actually runs quite smooth now. Little struggle
New amateur in town: KF5SLN
Only a few weeks he is officially a HAM amateur, Adam Curry, of the No Agenda podcast! Passed for his technician license recently, a few weeks later for his general and already he is studying for his extra in December 2012! Adam totally took a dive in Echolink and setup a conference server (EchoNode 3373),…