Keyspan USA 19HIn the manual that came with my Kenwood TM-D710 I found a section about Automatic Packet Report System (APRS) and how to configure it. I thought it would be cool to configure my rig as an iBridge (repeater like option in APRS) to the internet. Then local packets my rig picks up, are being relayed to the Internet. Before I offer a dedicated machine for this functionality I want to figure out how this works under Linux. So I made a virtual machine on VirtualBox on my MacPro and installed Continue reading

I don’t think this free eBook needs a plug, but because I like it so much I want to mention it on this blog. Not much going on in hobby land at the moment. I try every night 15 minutes of morse practise, but even that often fails. Therefor my progress on CW is slowly as ever. But then again: hey! It’s a hobby, right?! As additional training I often listen to CW-podcast of AI4QR when I bike to work. According to the book of Carlo Consoli, IK0YGJ, it’s a good way to train your mind for the sounds.

At the moment I’m 4 CW lessons from finishing the course. I should be able to do some QSO’s on the bands soon (well that’s subjective in my case HI).

WSPRnetLast 24 hours I let WSPR running on 20 meters with my new FD3-antenna. It seems I hear the whole world including west Canada, Venezuela and Australia. More important: some of these stations hear me too! So I’m very happy with the results until now. Made some cw-QSO’s last night which also went fine.