Fritzel FD-3For a while now I used a 56 meter (184 foot) long horizontal loop, hung up in our back yard. It kind of works for 160, 80 and 40 meter. On higher bands it did not work well. Actually I could not get out of Europe on it.Therefor I hung up a Fritzel FD4 a while ago. But that’s a a bit too long for our garden, I had to fold the last meters back. The neighbors weren’t that happy with all that wire neither. So I removed it a few weeks ago. It’s a shame I had to take it down because it worked really well! The other day I found out about the FD4’s little brother: the FD3. With it’s 20,7 meter I’m able to put that up without have to hang wires all over the garden. The only drawback is didn’t cover 80m, only 40, 20 and 10 meters. I figured as with the FD4, the FD3 should be able to cover 30, 17, 15 and 12 meters as well with use of a tuner. No 80 or 160 meters anymore. But I’m not all in tears about that. 160 meters is unusable anyway (too much QRM) and 80 is a difficult band to work DX when your in inhabited area. Last Saturday it was a dry day (after weeks of rain) so I climbed up the roof and removed the wire loop. I put up a little plastic mast of 3,5 meter length attached to the chimney. I put a little pulley on the top to be able to lower the balun without have to lower the mast. Put up an old Fritzel 70-series 1:6 balun I found in my junk box and attached 2 wires to it. One 13,8 meter to the back yard and one 6,9 meter to the front yard. I used the same plastic poles (obsolete army stuff) of 3,5 meters high to give the ends a little height. I didn’t had much time to test it, but a quick cq gave results on reverse beacon network from Iceland (21dB), Canada(11dB) and the USA(11dB) on 20 meter. So I figured: at least I’m able to reach outside of Europe again!

Hope to work some nice DX again.

Field DayA while ago Mark, PA4M and I planned a ‘field day’ of our own. Last Sunday would be the day if the rain wasn’t too strong. We picked a spot near the Gooimeer in the center of the Netherlands. We were in the middle of some farmers land. Mark did bring his homebuilt end fed for 20m and I bring a 1:10 MFTF-balun with the same 10 meter of wire as the end fed. This way we could compare both antennas.
Also I did bring the BuddiPole for it’s first run on new mast and tripod.

The IARU-contest was still going strong, so after setup the antennas and my Kenwood TS-590 rig Mark gave the key a spur and kicked 57 contacts in the log. Pretty nice when you take the bad conditions in consideration.

Too bad we didn’t hear any USA/Asia/Oceania. But after all a great day to be outside and testing our equipment!

aprs.fiYesterday I helped my friend Karel, PE2KDK. Karel developed a game based on APRS. Basically you need 2 or more teams for this game. Every team has a team captain. The team itself is in the field and the team captain is at Basecamp. The position of the team is known in Basecamp because one person in the team wears a helmet with a handheld and a bluetooth GPS-mouse in it. In Basecamp we have a APRS-configuration consisting of a Kenwood TM-D700 with a Diamond X200N to pick up the APRS-signals of the handhelds. This is relayed thru a laptop running UIview so the teams are visible on

In the ‘battlefield’ there are several command posts. These are populated with older scouts. The challenge for every team is to be the first at every command post. The team captain has to look at and talk his/her team to the command posts (every team has also a ‘voice’ hand held to stay in contact to their team captain on Basecamp).

The hard part is: every team can only talk for 2 minutes and then the other team captain gets to coach his/her team for 2 minutes. So effectively every team is ‘unguided’ for a few minutes before they can speak to their team captain again.

Of course this game is really nice for Scouting (for which it was created in the first place). The outdoor element, navigation, team effort, coaching, there are a lot of things you can learn of this game.Besides the bad weather it was a great day and the kids love “The Radio Game” as they call it!