Ham Radio DeluxeSome regular visitors of this blog know I’m working on a WordPress Plugin to show your HRD Logbook online. Finally version 1.0 is out now. A brand new page on this blog is dedicated to the plugin. It is a typical 1.0-version so no bells and whistles yet. Just put the php-file in your plugin dir and enable it on your pluginpage.

On the wish list:

– adding visitors interaction with selecting periods, search for call etc.
– adding admin-panel to alter layout and columns;
– adding a log-entry on admin-panel for web entry of qso’s;
– adding the plugin to the central WP-plugin directory.

If you have feature requests, please post them as a comment or mail me from the contactpage. I promise I’ll take a look at it and see if I be able to integrate it in the code.

4300_mc-60_mod-20110525104217It used to sit in the corner of my desk, my Kenwood MC-60 microphone. Although it has a suburb audio it also has so much RFI which makes it useless. On my to-do-list: search the internet to fix this problem so I can use this nice mike.
Finally I found the easiest fix there is for the RFI-problem with the Kenwood MC-60! Open up the bottom plate and just solder a 10NF capacitor between the blue wire and on the connector which connects to the rig (see picture). And done you are! No more RFI. If only I had knew this issue was so easy to fix, I could have start use the MC-60 a long time ago!

Hello everyone! It was a while since I post something here. Thats because we enjoyed a little holiday in the south of France. Not the Alpes this time but we went to the Dordogne. Very nice trip! We rented a big house with swimming pool (although it was way to cold to swim in it) and a nice garden in a place called La Lardin-Saint-Lazare (JN

When we arrived I immediately setup the ‘travelkit’ containing a fishing rod, about 6 meters high, a few wires for a 20m inverted V dipole, some coax cable and ofcourse my good old Kenwood TS-50 and AT-50. Very nice singals from all over Europe! Noise level below S0 what is so rare these days. Even made qso with Cuba and Florida!