Finally more details of the new Kenwood are published! Take a look, must be a interesting transceiver! A nice christmas present for this year? 😉 update:Read the first impressions of the early buyers!
Tag: Kenwood
Kenwood SP-31 speaker
Last piece of my Kenwood TS-850-line has arrived! The Kenwood SP-31 speaker. I already had the chance to play with one when the TS-870 for the club was temporarely in my shack. A beautiful speaker, not only to look at, but also the filters do a fantastic job. And most important: my TS-850-line is complete…
Installing TCXO-SO-2 in Kenwood TS-850
Some time ago I’ve bought the TCXO-SO-2 option (Temperature Compensated X-tal Oscillator) from Joerg, DL6IB. Although I was very pleased to have the option, I postponed the installing because I wanted to figure out a way to measure the stability improvement before and after installing. Since I don’t own (yet) a frequency counter, I didn’t…