Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR, pronounced:” whisper”) is a protocol developed by John Taylor, K1JT in 2008. It’s one of the many protocols used by radio amateurs but WSPR is a special one. The “Weak Signal”-part refers to signals being transmitted with a maximum power of 5 Watt (37 dBm), what still is regarded as…
Tag: Propagation
On air this weekend with PSK-31
After some juggling around with Ham Radio Deluxe and HRDlog.net the last weeks, this weekend I let Digital Master 780 (as part of Ham Radio Deluxe) running in the background doing PSK-31 when I was studying. Every now and then I’ve made a QSO. I must say, it actually runs quite smooth now. Little struggle
WSPR on 80m
Last night I leave WSPR on for the whole night to see what happen. According to propagation rules, the best opportunities on 80m should be around the greyline. In the evening that means in western Europe I should get signals out of the east and in the morning I should get signals out of the…