As mentioned before I’m remodelling the attic. The attic used to be my radio room, so that had to go for a while. Now, more then a year later, the attic is almost ready. My two sons will move from the first floor to their new rooms at the attic hopefully this summer. And that…
Raspberry Pi 4 Just Released: Faster CPU, More Memory, Dual HDMI Ports — Hackaday
The Raspberry Pi 4 was just released. This is the newest version of the Raspberry Pi and offers a better CPU and more memory than the Raspberry Pi 3, dual HDMI outputs, better USB and Ethernet performance, and will remain in production until January, 2026. There are three varieties of the Raspberry Pi 4 —… via…
A Stylish Low Part Count Non-Contact Thermometer — Hackaday
A non-contact thermometer is a pretty common tool these days, and one that most of us probably have kicking around the lab. You can grab them online for as little as $10 USD, and while they’re nowhere near as capable as a thermal camera, they certainly have their uses. But even with their increased availability,… via…