As mentioned before I’m remodelling the attic. The attic used to be my radio room, so that had to go for a while. Now, more then a year later, the attic is almost ready. My two sons will move from the first floor to their new rooms at the attic hopefully this summer. And that means two rooms come available on the first floor! One of those rooms will be my new radio room.

After more than a year without my Continue reading

Icom IC-7300 main shack rigToday I finally found some time to update the firmware of the IC-7300. I noticed 1.13 was out. Didn’t even update from the original 1.11 to 1.12 because my only netbook (MSI WIND U-100) doesn’t recognizes the internal SD-card reader. But a new Asus EeePC found it’s way to the shack. It’s running OpenSuse and does recognize it’s internal SD-reader so I had no arguments to not update the firmware. The procedure is quite simple: download the firmware, unzip and save on SD-card, put SD-card in radio, put on radio, [set] – [SD-card] – [Firmware update] – [click, click, click, yes, click] and after about 10 seconds the radio restarts.
This latest release should improve FM TX audio S/N ratio, first test show a little improvement indeed.

Ham Radio DeluxeAccording to the Ham Radio Deluxe website there is a new version of Ham Radio Deluxe 5: 2777.
Release notes say:
After a lot of hard work with incredible support from Terry G4POP and Chuck K7PT this beta is now available.

* Country file upgraded with support for Unique Calls
* ALE window now correctly supports entries with a / in the callsign
* Award tracking rewritten and tested almost to extinction
* ALE custom field titles now user-definable

Ham Radio Deluxe

* Rigblaster support where RTS is toggled instead of sending a CAT command. See Options, COM Port TX.
* Initial support for TS-590S and FTDX-5000

Needless to say I’m cheering of joy because I love to see the award tracker updated. And of course since me catching the TS-590S-virus the initial support for the TS-590S makes me smile! Installing right now, maybe I can report on the changes later.