Bumped on an interesting article the other day: a cheap power amplifier with two MRF300AN LDmosfets from NXP. The MRF300 produces about 300 watts @ 50V and operates broadband from 1.8 – 250 MHz. Razvan M0HZH created a little power amplifier with two of these mosfets which put out around 600 watt with 4.5 watt…
Last JOTA we took an ICOM AH-710 wire antenna with us for some experimenting. My friend Henk PE1PEX bought this antenna a while ago just out of curiosity. And rightly so because this antenna turns out miraculous. Origin The antenna design is from
NanoVNA is a $50 Vector Network Analyzer — Hackaday
There was a time when oscilloscopes were big and expensive. Now you can get scopes of various sizes and capabilities on nearly any budget. Vector network analyzers — VNAs — haven’t had quite the same proliferation, but NanoVNA may change that. [IMSAI Guy] bought one for about $50 and made a series of videos about… via…