After a year of careful saving my new rig finally arrived: the ICOM IC-7610! In 2016 I was one of the first Dutch ham’s buying the ICOM IC-7300 SDR radio. When that radio arrived, I was completely blown away with the new
Building new radio room in progress
Finally after 1,5 year I have my own room. Since the room is just for radio, I will need a wall-to-wall desk. Such desks are hard to find. So I have to make one myself. Starting with a custom made worksheet on support bars on the wall. But I also want to have some shelves…
New rig: Kenwood TM-D710GE
I owned Kenwood TM-D710E’s for a while now but was always interested in Kenwoods TM-D710GE. The GE-version has a GPS-receiver build in and also changed firmware to fully support this. When I heard there was one on the (second hand) market, I did a shout out. A few messages later